

WebQuests are designed to: a) use learners' time well; b) focus on using information rather than looking for it, and c) "support learners' thinking at levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation”. (Dodge 1997).

The WebQuest embodies many of the things I value about the teaching and learning experience.

1. It is an active task. Students must work to understand new information and transform their knowledge of a given topic to solve a problem or answer a question. The task is also interactive, which is motivating for students.
2. It is meaningful. Many WebQuests integrate skills from various subject areas to create a "complete" learning experience, rather than disassociated sections of knowledge.
3. It is authentic. Good WebQuests challenge students to solve problems which are relevant to the world, and to their future lives outside of school.

Webquests can enhance the learning for students. With webquests, students do not need to work with the past data of a project after understanding the concepts from the texts. A real case will give students chance to gain the knowledge. In addition, because all the steps are tailored, students just simply need to follow all the steps, finish each part and achieve the goal, complete the assignment.

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