
Electronic Portfolio

“In the context of education and learning an ePortfolio is a portfolio based on electronic media and services. It consists of a personal digital record containing information such as personal profile and collection of achievements, information on which different services can be provided to the owner of the ePortfolio and the people and organizations to whom the owner has granted access.” en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPortfolio Reference by: http://classes.uleth.ca/200703/educ4766ol/module7.htm
Electronic Portfolios provide information to students, parents, teachers, and members of the learning and employment community about what students have learned or what they are able to learn. I feel Electronic Portfolios are gaining recognition as a valuable tool for learners, instructors, and academic organizations because it could foster active learning, motivate students. Electronic Portfolio also could be as instruments of feedback and discussion on student performance. Future more, Electronic Portfolios also have other advantages like they can store multiple media and allow cross-referencing of student work; they are easy to upgrade and accessible.
